Olahraga merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh kita. Terutama di masa pandemi seperti sekarang, di mana penting sekali bagi setiap orang untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuhnya salah satunya dengan berolahraga. Dalam praktiknya olahraga juga tak memerlukan peralatan yang ribet. Kita bisa melakukan olahraga di rumah dengan memanfaatkan video di youtube atau lari di komplek beberapa putaran. Pun jika harus menggunakan peralatan tambahan, kita bisa membelinya secara online seperti di website Kameymall.
Ada banyak manfaat yang bisa didapat dari berolahraga. Selain turut membantu dalam menjaga kebugaran tubuh, olahraga juga dapat untuk menjaga berat badan hingga juga berpengaruh pada kesehatan mental kita. Seperti yang kita tahu, saat berolahraga, tubuh mengeluarkan hormon endorfin yang dapat memberikan energi positif bagi tubuh.
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Berbelanja peralatan olahraga di Kameymall
Sport is one of the most beneficial activities for our body. Especially during a pandemic like now, where it is very important for everyone to maintain their immune system, one of which is by exercising. In practice, the sport also does not require complicated equipment. We can do sports at home by using videos on youtube or running in the complex for a few rounds. Even if you have to use additional equipment, we can buy it online like on the website Kameymall.
There are many benefits that can be obtained from exercising. In addition to helping in maintaining physical fitness, exercise can also help maintain weight and also affect our mental health. As we know, when you exercise, the body releases endorphins which can provide positive energy for the body.
Various sports for children
Not only for adults, children should also be accustomed to exercising regularly from an early age. Parents can do sports with children regularly every week. In addition to maintaining health, of course this will further increase family intimacy. In addition, sports can also be a way to increase children's achievements, which of course will also be useful for them in the future.
There are many types of sports that parents can introduce to their children from an early age. Here are some types of sports for:
Cycling is one of the most familiar types of sports for children. Even since they were toddlers, children have been introduced to bicycles, ranging from three-wheeled bicycles, balance bikes, four-wheeled bicycles, to actually using two-wheeled bicycles. Cycling itself has good benefits for heart health, maintaining healthy muscles and joints, to reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer because cycling can maintain the stability of the insulin hormone in the body.
Swimming can also be a choice of sports to do with children. Swimming can be introduced since the child is still a baby. Swimming itself also has good benefits for children such as for heart and lung health, building muscle mass, preventing obesity, improving cognitive function, improving coordination and body balance, to making better sleep quality.
Football is the most popular sport in the world. This sport that requires teamwork is liked by various groups from the old to the young. Various competitions were held starting from the village level, school and of course also the national level. Fathers can take their children to play ball together or put them in a football club if the child shows more interest in this sport.
If children show interest in the world of gymnastics, parents can also facilitate it by including them in gymnastics classes. There are various gymnastic classes that can be followed such as floor exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics and also athletics. For this reason, we can equip equipment such as air track mats that help children practice their gymnastic movements and of course protect their bodies when performing movements. dangerous moves such as jumping or somersaulting.
Martial arts
Martial arts can be an option to be taught to children from an early age. One of the main benefits of martial arts is that it helps children protect themselves. In addition, martial arts also have good benefits for children's health. Several types of martial arts that can be taught to children include pencak silat, taekwondo, and judo. Usually to learn this martial art requires a special trainer or registering with a special martial arts club.
Roller skating is a sport activity that has many benefits including improving body coordination, strengthening lower muscles, helping to burn fat, and is also good for joints. To be able to exercise with roller skates, of course, you need equipment in the form of the skates themselves and don't forget also safety equipment such as elbow and knee protectors. Children themselves can be introduced to this sport of roller skating from the age of 5 years.
Besides football, another popular sport known in Indonesia is badminton. There are many names of national badminton who won various world championships and made the country proud. Badminton can be the sport of choice for parents to spend time with their children on holidays. Parents can also register their child to a special badminton club if the child is interested in playing more professionally.Shop for sports equipment at Kameymall
Shopping at foreign malls nowadays is not impossible anymore with internet technology. It's like shopping at a domestic e-commerce, now we can buy various foreign products only through the cellphone in hand.One of the foreign e-commerce that can be an option to shop for products from abroad is Kameymall. KameyMall.com is an e-commerce from China that provides various needs such as clothing, household products and also sports equipment which may be more expensive if we buy it at local e-commerce. The goods sold in Kameymall are self-produced goods and have been marketed to various countries in the world.
Even though they come from China, of course, visitors don't have to worry about language barriers because the kameymall.com website already uses English so that it certainly makes shopping easier. Kamey Mall also provides various coupons and vouchers to potential buyers. As for payment matters, we can shop and make payments with cards bearing the Visa, Master Card or Paypal logo.
So, for those of you who want to try shopping for goods from abroad, you can try visiting Kameymall!
kebanyakan anak-anak suka berenang ya :D pada demen main air
ReplyDeleteWiih khusus perlengkapan olahraga ya .. jadi pengen tengok-tengok apa saja yang dijual dan berapaan harganya.
ReplyDeleteOlahraga adalah kebiasaan baik yg wajib dilakukan sejak masih anak anak ya mbak
ReplyDeletebanyak juga olahraga yg bisa dilakukan oleh anak anak
klo anak anakku sih sukanya main sepeda dan renang
Anakku demen berenang mbaaa
ReplyDeletekarena memang bisa bikin hati gembira syalala.
bonusnya, badan jadi makin ciamik!
Kebetulan nih lagi nyari kacamata renang. Tapi aku wanti-wanti dulu sih, nanti belinya habis mamah bayaran ya. Hihihi. Sementara itu, si anak gadis juga minta dibelikan sepatu roda -_-"
ReplyDeleteAnak anak memang sebaiknya harus aktif olahraga agar pertumbuhan tinggi badan optimal ya mbak. Untung juga nih ada toko online yang jual peralatan olahraga
ReplyDeleteAnak-anak kayaknya kalau nggak disalurin bakat aktifnya mereka malah bikin mereka nggak happy ya. Cocok banget sih mereka difasilitasi buat mendalami salah satu jenis olahraga di atas.
ReplyDeleteanak-anak aku sepekan sekali lah minimal berenang eh latihan renang supaya dapat skillnya bukan main air aja, hahaha
ReplyDeleteDi rumah anak-anak kadang suka juga ikut aku Yoga, dan senam dari yutub, Kalo renang emang doyan, hahaha
ReplyDeleteMemang anak-anak perlu dibiasakan berolahraga sejak dini. Apalagi sudah wataknya yang tidak bisa diem. tapi perlu diperhatikan untuk keamanannya demi meminimalisir cedera.
ReplyDeleteSejak pandemi, keponakanku olah raganya olah raga jari. E-sport main Mobile Legends, dan sejenisnya. *tepokjidat 😄wkwkwk.
ReplyDeleteDi antara olahraga di atas, anak-anak paling suka berenang. Malah gak mau keluar dr kolam. Hehe.. yg penting happy daa menyehatkan
ReplyDeleterenang jadi favorit sih untuk keponakan hehe, tapi seru juga ya sepatu roda, lagi happening lagi sekarang-sekarang ini. makasih mba sharingnya.
ReplyDeleteaku baca yg terjemahan di bawah, wkwk. sekarang belanja bisa jauh, jd wkt kita liburan keluar negeri, gak usah belanja lg, fokus jalan2 aja
ReplyDeleteOlahraga untuk anak banyak juga ya, yang dewasa gak boleh kalah semangat nih.. Eh iya jadi inget keponakanku yang lagi pengen sepatu roda nih
ReplyDeleteJadi ingat anakku paling suka main futsal, perlengkapannya ternyata lumayan ya apalagi untuk sepatu futsal yang bagus, tapi aku senang sih soalnya anakku suka olahraga apalagi sekarang lagi punya olahraga baru, main sepeda, udah deh kalau ngak naik sepeda ya main futsal.
ReplyDeleteAanakku lagi seneng main sepak bola, kalau sore latihan di lapangan, udah gitu game di hape sepak bola juga...
ReplyDeleteAku penasaran sama kameymall..coba ah berselancar di sana. Bisa cari produk luar lainnya juga ya selain peralatan olahraga?
ReplyDeleteAnak-anak harus dikenalkan dengan aktivitas gerak seperti olahraga supaya mereka gak mager juga ya. Anakku rutin lari nih. Beli outfit lari bisa ke luar negeri ya skr lewat online :) Cobain ah kameymall
ReplyDeleteemang harus dibiasain gerak dari kecil, kalau enggak nanti gedenya bisa mager beraattt.. mumpung masih masa pertumbuhan, olahraga akan membentuk badannya jd sehat.
ReplyDeletenyari outfit olga juga ngga mudah emang ya, untung ada Kameymall.
Anakku suka berenang, Mbak. Sebelum pandemi malah sempat les renang juga. Sejak pandemi udah nggak pernah olahraga, nih.
ReplyDeletewaktu kecil su suka olah raga sepeda, sepatu roda, dan bulu tangkis
ReplyDeleteSeru ya..beraktivitas bersama anak. Kalau anaknya sudah suka sama satu olahraga gitu, bisa dilakukan rutin.
ReplyDeleteWah kalau sudah main sama naka2 suka lupa waktu saya abisnya mereka kayak ga ada capeknya hehehea apalagi klo olahraga wah saya bisa ngos ngosan ngikutinnya